Product update: September 23, 2020


Sep 23, 2020

Updated Nov 1, 2022

New templates, images and illustrations were released to maximize your creative freedom. Improvements were made to snappings, duplicating, rotating and elements resizing. Minor changes were made to animations and export to enhance the working experience.

New features

  • added new photos and SVG shapes to the resources panel;

  • added new templates to the Choose a template page;

  • the applied custom font is now added to the archive at the export step;

Improvements & bug fixes

  • fixed a bug that caused incorrect display of the resizing of the rotated elements;

  • fixed a bug that caused incorrect animations export;

  • fixed a bug that caused incorrect placing of a rotated element in the exported file;

  • fixed a bug that caused incorrect elements moving with the keyboard arrows;

  • fixed a bug that caused incorrect display of the resizing elements;

  • improved a function of elements duplicating;

  • snapping improvements — new symbols, arrows, lines and layers snap to grid better;

  • now you can add elements to favorites much faster and easier;

  • auto-update of My tab on the resources panel whenever the number of uploaded images exceeds 20;

  • fixed a bug that caused sticking of elements to the mouse cursor;

  • improved notifications when removing background from noisy images;

  • minor design changes of the resources panel on the Design page;

  • small adjustments to the shadow behavior in connection to the element it was added to;

  • added resources optimization (weight and quality of images);

  • better image search across the photo stocks was added to this release;

  • fixed a bug that caused incorrect behavior of the text color palette on Safari browser.

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