
🕹ī¸ Keyboard shortcuts


🕹ī¸ Keyboard shortcuts


🕹ī¸ Keyboard shortcuts

🕹ī¸ Keyboard shortcuts


cmd/ctrl + 0 — set 100% canvas zoom scale

cmd/ctrl + shift + E — toggle Export panel

cmd/ctrl + \ — toggle Preview overlay

T — toggle Texts panel

R/O — toggle Images panel

С — toggle Comments panel


cmd/ctrl + A — select all elements on canvas


1 — set element opacity to 10%

2 — set element opacity to 20%


9 — set element opacity to 90%

0 — set element opacity to 100%

Layer order

cmd/ctrl + [ — send backward (z-index –1)

cmd/ctrl + ] — send forward (z-index +1)

cmd/ctrl + alt + [ — send back (bottom position)

cmd/ctrl + alt + ] — send front (top position)

Flip (mirror)

shift + H — flip horizontal

shift + V — flip vertical


alt + W — align top

alt + S — align bottom

alt + A — align left

alt + D — align right

alt + V — align vertical center

alt + H — align horizontal center


cmd/ctrl + shift + , — Decrease font size*

cmd/ctrl + shift + . — Increase font size*

alt + shift + , — Decrease line height*

alt + shift + . — Increase line height*

alt + , — Decrease kerning*

alt + . — Increase kerning*

cmd/ctrl + alt + L — align text left

cmd/ctrl + alt + T — align text center

cmd/ctrl + alt + R — align text right

Increase and Decrease actions are equal to ↑ and ↓ key press in respective inputs. Holding Shift key will x10 the editing step.


space — play/pause animation on a timeline or in a Preview overlay