🗺️ AI translation
AI translation is an incredibly useful tool that can help you quickly translate your creatives into multiple languages. This will save you a lot of time and effort. Thanks to the AI translator (powered by GPT 3.5 Turbo), you no longer need to pore over dictionaries and the web for hours, trying to find the right words and phrases. You can simply enter your text and the AI will do the rest, providing you with translations in seconds. This can be especially useful if you are working on a large project that involves many different languages.

To translate text in your creative, follow these steps:
Open a creative and select the element containing the text you want to translate.
Navigate to the Translate block in the bottom right menu.
Choose your preferred language from the drop-down menu. The languages available for translation include English, French, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Bengali, Russian, Turkish, and Filipino.
Click the Translate button.
⚡ It is important to note that while machine translations can be of high quality, they can also be inaccurate. For this reason, it is always recommended to review the final output before publishing any creative content. By reviewing the final output, you can ensure that the translated text is accurate and conveys the intended message. This step is especially important if you are reaching out to a global audience or targeting multilingual markets.