Future trends in financial services marketing


Aug 29, 2024

Updated Aug 29, 2024

Financial brands are rapidly adjusting their marketing and service strategies to align with contemporary consumer trends, especially in the context of pricing models, product offerings, and customer engagement. The rise of monthly subscription pricing models reflects a significant shift in how consumers, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, prefer to engage with and pay for services.

The Attraction of Subscription Models

Subscription models offer predictability and convenience, two key values for younger generations who prefer budgeting their expenses on a monthly basis. By adopting subscription-based pricing, financial brands can capitalize on the growing preference for services that offer continuity and ease of use. This approach complements the digital-native lifestyle of Gen Z and Millennials, who are accustomed to the subscription models of streaming services, apps, and even transportation or food delivery.

Subscription economy growth

sourсe https://www.investors.com/news/technology/subscription-services-economy/

Subscription economy size

sourсe: https://sellcoursesonline.com/subscription-economy-statistics

Reframing Fees as Monthly Subscriptions

Fintech companies have been at the forefront of this transformation, shifting away from traditional fee structures and towards subscription models. By presenting costs as monthly subscriptions, rather than transactional fees, these brands are able to maintain a perceived value of "no fees" while generating consistent revenue. This reframing also taps into the psychological preference for fixed costs as opposed to variable ones, which can fluctuate and lead to unpredictability in personal budgeting.

Adapting to Changing Life Milestones

The financial aspirations and behaviors of younger consumers are diverging from previous generations at an unprecedented pace. Gen Z and Millennials are often postponing or bypassing traditional life events such as purchasing a home, marriage, or starting a family. As a result, there's a growing need for financial products that reflect these new life patterns. By offering flexible, tailored financial solutions, brands can address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by these consumers, such as increased mobility, career changes, and education debt management.

The Impact of Declining Birthrates

A declining birthrate has significant implications for economic growth and consumer spending habits. Younger consumers, increasingly opting to remain childfree, have different financial priorities and spending behaviors than those in family-oriented demographics. Financial brands must recognize these shifting priorities and cater to the lifestyle aspirations that this demographic group values, potentially focusing on personal development, travel, or investment in experiences rather than in goods.

Source: https://econofact.org/the-mystery-of-the-declining-u-s-birth-rate

Human Customer Service for High-Value Clientele

Despite the digital preferences of younger generations, there is still a place for human customer service, especially for financial brands that serve high-net-worth individuals or focus on community relationships. Personalized, human interaction remains critical in building trust and providing complex financial advice. For these consumers, the availability of expert financial advisors, private client services, and dedicated support can be a significant differentiator. Brands that balance technological convenience with the assurance of human expertise will likely succeed in catering to these market segments.

Generative AI in Personalized Advertising

Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize personalized advertising and targeting. This technology can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, preferences, and behaviors more accurately than ever before. For financial brands aiming to capture the attention of Gen Z and Millennials, AI-driven ad customization allows for highly personalized campaigns that resonate on an individual level. AI can help tailor messaging, offers, and even product recommendations to align with each consumer's specific circumstances and aspirations, thus improving engagement and conversion rates.

AI in Ad Production Process

AI's application in ad production is multifaceted. One of the most immediate benefits is the automation of routine tasks, including the generation of multiple aspect ratios from a single approved design mockup. For campaigns that run across various platforms—each with its own set of format requirements—this becomes particularly valuable. Traditional methods require designers to manually adjust ads to fit different sizes, which can be both time-consuming and prone to human error.

Using AI-driven software, financial brands can input an approved ad design and automatically receive variations suited for different platforms such as Instagram stories, Facebook feed, or Google Display Network. This technology can preserve the aesthetic and message integrity across formats, potentially turning days of manual work into just a few hours of automated processing. Moreover, for brands that highly personalize their ads, accounting for demographics or individual preferences, AI can generate these variations at scale, ensuring all targeted segments receive a tailored experience.

AI-driven Analysis and Iteration of Ad Designs

Perhaps more intriguing is AI's role in the iterative process of ad design. Through machine learning algorithms, AI systems can review and analyze the performance data of different ad designs to understand which elements contribute most significantly to campaign success. These elements might include colors, imagery, layout, copy length, or even more nuanced factors like emotional valence.

AI systems can process vast amounts of performance data far more quickly than a human team. By identifying the most impactful components of high-performing ads, AI can guide designers and marketers in creating future campaigns that are more likely to engage and convert. This iterative process is dynamic; as more campaign performance data feeds into the AI, the system continuously refines its understanding of effective design principles.

For financial brands, this means that their ads can rapidly evolve in response to observed consumer behaviors, maximizing return on investment (ROI) of ad spend. By using AI to test different versions of ads in real time, businesses can not only determine which ads resonate best but also quickly pivot to those high-performing creatives. It's akin to A/B testing at an exponential scale and speed, providing actionable insights that human analysts would take far longer to derive.


Financial brands face an evolving landscape where consumer preferences are shifting rapidly. Embracing flexible, subscription-based pricing models, redesigning products to suit new life patterns, utilizing AI for targeted advertising, and preserving human interaction where it is valued the most, are key strategies for success in a market increasingly defined by younger consumers. These adjustments require a deep understanding of emerging demographic trends and a commitment to innovative and consumer-centered service delivery.


  1. How are financial services changing to suit younger generations like Gen Z and Millennials?

    Financial services are increasingly adopting subscription-based pricing models to meet younger consumer preferences for predictability and convenience. Additionally, products are being redesigned to suit changing life milestones, such as flexible loan options for those with student debt or investment portfolios for those focusing on experiences over traditional asset accumulation.

  2. Why are subscription models becoming popular in financial services?

    Subscription models align with the desire for simple and transparent pricing. They allow consumers to budget more effectively with a consistent monthly fee, avoiding the surprise of variable costs. This model is familiar to younger consumers through other services like streaming media or food delivery subscriptions.

  3. Can personalization and AI improve advertising effectiveness for financial brands?

    Yes, generative AI allows financial brands to create highly personalized ad campaigns that speak to individual preferences and behaviors. AI can automate ad production for different formats and analyze performance data to identify successful elements in ad designs for future iterations.

  4. How do declining birthrates impact financial services marketing?

    As more consumers opt to remain childfree, their financial priorities shift. Financial brands need to cater to these changing preferences, potentially focusing on personal development, travel, or experiences rather than traditional family-oriented financial products.

  5. What role does human customer service play in financial services for high-value clients?

    While digital tools provide convenience, high-value clients and those seeking complex financial advice benefit from personalized human interaction. Human customer service remains crucial for building trust and delivering tailored advice, which is especially important for premium financial services.

  6. What are the advantages of using AI in ad production?

    AI significantly reduces the time and labor involved in creating ads for different platforms by automating the production of multiple aspect ratios from one design mockup. It also enhances the ability to generate personalized ads at scale, meeting the increasing demand for tailored advertising.

Founder, CEO at Viewst
Founder, CEO at Viewst
Founder, CEO at Viewst

Victoria is the CEO at Viewst. She is a serial entrepreneur and startup founder. She worked in Investment Banking for 9 years as international funds sales, trader, and portfolio manager. Then she decided to switch to her own startup. In 2017 Victoria founded Profit Button (a new kind of rich media banners), the project has grown to 8 countries on 3 continents in 2 years. In 2019 she founded Viewst startup. The company now has clients from 43 countries, including the USA, Canada, England, France, Brazil, Kenya, Indonesia, etc.

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