Automotive dealerships marketing automation


Apr 25, 2024

Updated Apr 25, 2024

The vast majority of car sales occur at the dealership, despite the fact that most people kick off their purchasing journey with an online search. It’s no secret to those in the automotive marketing industry that online advertising plays a crucial role in attracting potential customers to local dealerships.

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in the marketing strategies of automotive dealerships. With the majority of car sales starting with an online search, a strong SEO presence is essential for dealerships to attract potential customers to their showrooms and increase sales. However, the competitive landscape in the automotive industry requires dealerships to not only invest in SEO strategies but also continuously optimize their campaigns to stay ahead of the competition.

According to a study by Google, 92% of car buyers research online before making a purchase, highlighting the importance of online advertising and SEO for automotive dealerships. 

Google search results j

AI-driven automation or SEO 2.0

In the realm of content production, automation has revolutionized the way businesses create and distribute content at scale. Embracing AI-assisted content creation while maintaining a human touch is key to producing high-quality, engaging content without compromising authenticity.

We understand the importance of balancing automation with human creativity to achieve optimal results. We do not advocate for the complete reliance on AI-generated content that may come across as spammy or disingenuous. Instead, we recommend implementing AI-assisted methods that complement human expertise, leading to a successful content strategy.

We suggest leveraging AI research agents to generate detailed content briefs that provide a solid foundation for content creation. These AI tools help identify trending topics, target audience preferences, and competitive insights, enabling you to tailor a content strategy effectively.   Additionally, you may be willing to utilize LLM (Large Language Model) automations to generate initial drafts of the content. These AI-powered systems help streamline the writing process by offering suggestions, structuring content, and enhancing readability. The use of AI in this phase accelerates the content creation process while maintaining a high level of quality.

Moreover, you should consider implementing AI-assisted human editing to refine and enhance the generated drafts. This hybrid approach combines the efficiency of AI with the precision and creativity of human editors, ensuring that the content meets your standards of excellence.   To further infuse our content with authenticity and relevance, incorporate a 20% human touch to add expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness elements. This human element enhances the credibility and value of the content, resonating better with the audience and establishing trust with readers.
To differentiate and optimize efficiency with cutting-edge technology, consider subscribing to the Boring Marketing newsletter and The Boring Marketer X account. This leading expert offers valuable insights on leveraging AI applications to streamline workflows effectively. He writes about not only applications, but also shares prompts that are optimized for research, analytics and other valuable things you might need while writing your new blogpost.Within our organization, we primarily utilize ChatGPT but have also found and CopyAI to be beneficial for content creation. ChatGPT, on the other hand,  boasts versatile applications across various teams within our company.  

The Boring Marketer tweet

Overall, an integrated approach to AI-assisted content production has proven to be a resounding success in terms of engagement and branding. By leveraging automation for efficiency and harnessing human creativity for authenticity, we have achieved a harmonious balance that drives audience engagement, enhances brand perception, and ultimately leads to meaningful connections with our target audience.  

The power of Display Ads

Maximizing marketing potential. Let's explore how Display Ads contribute to automative dealerships ROI.

Display advertising is a crucial component of any successful marketing strategy for automotive dealerships. By leveraging visually appealing ads across websites and social media platforms, you can effectively showcase your inventory and attract potential customers. Don't underestimate the power of eye-catching visuals and targeted messaging to drive conversions and increase brand visibility.

Automating and optimizing your display ad production cycle is essential for streamlining your marketing efforts and driving better results. Here are some ways to achieve this:  

  1. Use dynamic ads: Dynamic ads allow you to automatically generate personalized ad content based on user behavior and preferences, which can increase engagement and conversions.

    Data from marketing automation platforms like HubSpot shows that personalized content can drive 20% more engagement compared to generic content, emphasizing the effectiveness of targeted messaging through automation.

  2. Employ ad creation tools: Leverage tools like ad builders and templates to quickly and easily create visually appealing ads without the need for design skills. Implement ad scheduling: Set up ad scheduling to automate when your ads are displayed, ensuring they reach your target audience at the most effective times.

  3. Utilize data-driven insights: Use data analytics to monitor the performance of your ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize your ad production cycle.

  4. Consider programmatic advertising: Programmatic advertising automates the buying and placement of ads in real time, allowing you to reach your target audience at scale and drive efficient results.

  5. A/B testing: Conduct A/B testing on your ads to experiment with different elements like visuals, messaging, and calls to action to optimize and improve performance.

Variations of animated banners

By incorporating these strategies into your display ad production cycle, you can streamline processes, increase efficiency, and drive better results for your automotive dealership.

When it comes to marketing in the automotive industry, there is a critical area where many car dealerships often overlook: ad creative. While many dealerships may use display ad channels, they typically launch static ads that fail to capture the attention of potential customers. To truly stand out and drive engagement, dealerships can leverage modern automation tools to easily animate their display banners with just a click of a button.

By utilizing animated banners, dealerships have the opportunity to set themselves apart with unique storytelling tailored to specific audiences. Unlike static images, animated banners provide the flexibility to convey dynamic messages that resonate with viewers, ultimately increasing brand visibility and customer engagement. Additionally, dealerships can take advantage of product feeds to create variations of animated banners showcasing all available cars in different locations. By connecting these feeds to a platform and generating HTML5 banners in bulk, dealerships can efficiently showcase their inventory and drive traffic to their showrooms.

Tools for display ads automation


Viewst landing page

Viewst is a state-of-the-art platform that revolutionizes ad creative production with automation tools for production artists. Empowering artists to streamline their workflow and scale their capabilities, Viewst's intuitive interface and robust features enhance productivity. Its advanced automation features encompass resizing, formatting, and AI-powered image recognition to ensure brand compliance and consistency. Experience a new level of efficiency in ad creative production with Viewst's comprehensive automation solution.


Bannerwise landing page

Bannerwise is a platform that allows users to easily create, manage, and optimize HTML5 display ads. It offers features such as dynamic content, creative automation, and data-driven insights to help businesses streamline their display ad production process and drive better results. With Bannerwise, users can quickly create visually appealing and personalized ads that are tailored to their target audience, ultimately increasing engagement and conversions.


Abyssale landing page

Abyssale is a cutting-edge tool tailored for marketers seeking a seamless solution for generating a multitude of visual marketing assets quickly. By setting up a template, choosing formats, and linking data, Abyssale automates the creation of marketing visuals. This streamlines the process, saving time and reducing the potential for mistakes. With Abyssale's ability to generate images in various formats, marketers can produce visuals for all marketing platforms from a single template. Witness the transformation of your visual marketing workflow with Abyssale's efficiency and convenience.


Optimizing marketing strategies for automotive dealerships involves a multifaceted approach that includes investing in SEO, embracing AI-driven automation for content production, leveraging display ads effectively, and utilizing automation tools such as Viewst, Bannerwise, and Abyssale. By incorporating these strategies and tools into your marketing efforts, you can streamline processes, drive better results, and ultimately enhance your brand's visibility and customer engagement in the competitive automotive industry. Stay ahead of the curve by harnessing the power of automation and technology to revolutionize your marketing workflows.


  1. What role does SEO play in the marketing strategies of automotive dealerships?

    SEO plays a crucial role in the marketing strategies of automotive dealerships by helping them attract potential customers through online searches. With the majority of car sales starting with an online search, a strong SEO presence is essential for dealerships to increase showroom visits and sales.

  2. How can AI-driven automation enhance content creation for dealerships?

    AI-driven automation enhances content creation for dealerships by providing efficient tools for generating content briefs, identifying trending topics, understanding audience preferences, and gaining competitive insights. This technology allows dealerships to produce high-quality, engaging content at scale while maintaining authenticity.

  3. What are some recommended AI tools for generating content briefs and improving content quality?

    Recommended AI tools for generating content briefs and improving content quality include AI research agents that provide detailed insights for content creation, LLM (Large Language Model) automations for generating initial drafts, and AI-assisted human editing for refining and enhancing content. These tools help streamline the content creation process and ensure high-quality output.

  4. What are some ways to test and improve the effectiveness of display ads?

    • A/B Testing: Create multiple variations of the ad with different elements such as headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, and colors. Run these variations simultaneously and analyze which one performs better in terms of click-through rates, conversions, and other key metrics.

    • Conversion Tracking: Set up conversion tracking to measure the actions that users take after clicking on your display ad, such as completing a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. Analyzing conversion data can help you understand the impact of your ads on driving desired outcomes.

    • Retargeting: Use retargeting campaigns to reach users who have previously visited your website but did not convert. By showing them relevant display ads based on their past interactions with your site, you can increase the chances of converting these users into customers.

    • Geo-targeting: Target your display ads to specific geographic locations where your target audience is located. By analyzing the performance of ads in different regions, you can optimize your targeting strategy to focus on areas that generate the highest engagement and conversions.

    • Ad Placement Analysis: Monitor the placement of your display ads across various websites and platforms to identify where they are most effective. Consider adjusting your bids and targeting settings to prioritize placements that drive the best results for your campaign.

    • Performance Metrics: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per acquisition (CPA), and return on ad spend (ROAS) to evaluate the effectiveness of your display ads. Use this data to make informed decisions about optimizing ad creative, targeting, and bidding strategies.

  5. How can automating animated banners help dealerships stand out and engage customers?

    Automating animated banners can help dealerships stand out and engage customers by:

    • Capturing Attention: Animated banners are visually dynamic and eye-catching, making them more likely to grab the attention of potential customers as they browse websites or social media platforms.

    • Showcasing Inventory: Animation can be used to showcase different vehicles in a dealership's inventory, highlighting key features and promotions in a visually appealing way.

    • Personalization: Automation allows dealerships to create personalized animated banners based on customer data and behavior, such as location, browsing history, or previous interactions with the dealership.

    • Dynamic Content: Automated animated banners can be updated in real-time with relevant content, such as current promotions, special offers, or upcoming events, keeping customers informed and engaged.

    • A/B Testing: Automation tools can enable dealerships to easily test different animated banner variations to see which ones resonate best with their target audience and drive the highest engagement.

    • Cost Efficiency: Automating the creation and deployment of animated banners can streamline the advertising process, saving time and resources for dealership marketing teams.

    • Mobile Optimization: Animated banners can be optimized for mobile devices, reaching customers on-the-go and providing a seamless user experience across different devices. Overall, automating animated banners can help dealerships create more engaging, interactive, and personalized advertising experiences for customers, ultimately helping them stand out in a crowded marketplace and drive more sales.

Founder, CEO at Viewst
Founder, CEO at Viewst
Founder, CEO at Viewst

Victoria is the CEO at Viewst. She is a serial entrepreneur and startup founder. She worked in Investment Banking for 9 years as international funds sales, trader, and portfolio manager. Then she decided to switch to her own startup. In 2017 Victoria founded Profit Button (a new kind of rich media banners), the project has grown to 8 countries on 3 continents in 2 years. In 2019 she founded Viewst startup. The company now has clients from 43 countries, including the USA, Canada, England, France, Brazil, Kenya, Indonesia, etc.

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