15 Creative Construction Ads Examples
May 13, 2022
Updated May 13, 2022
The construction industry as a whole has a reputation of not being the most accepting industry when it comes to new standards and opportunities – and digital marketing is one of many examples of that. In this article we would try to showcase how you can use simple construction ads for many different purposes and use cases.
It is rather surprising how many construction companies are underestimating or outright ignoring the value of digital marketing. However, every business needs to be on a constant lookout for new customers, and neglecting a potentially massive resource that can be a tremendous help with the overall business growth is a mistake, to say the least.
There are many different parts that are included in digital marketing when it comes to construction businesses – be it a company’s website development, social media interactions, etc. Today we are going to go over one of the less complicated instances – and that is construction ads.
Banner advertisements are often perceived as something relatively simple and not particularly effective. However, both of these statements are not true, since banner creation can be a rather complex and/or creative process that takes a long time – and a properly constructed banner can be extremely effective if it targets the right audience and correctly delivers its message.
Construction ads examples
Since designing a banner is more of a creative process, it is far easier to show several potentially successful combinations of elements within a banner using examples – premade construction ads that can be shown and explained to figure out all of the different ideas and details that go into each of these banners.
To make this process easier, we are going to present all 15 construction ads, divided in groups based on their original purpose or message. In this way, we can also show how the same message can be presented in different ways.
Services and qualification
Our first few examples would be relatively simple – two basic banners that showcase how the title of the ad can be improved with an appropriate background image. Both of these examples have the same goal – to highlight and showcase the range of skills and capabilities of the company in question.
The first ad focuses more on the presence of a skilled workforce, and the second ad takes a more direct approach and speaks about the range of capabilities. As such, the title of the first banner is supported by a background image of a professional worker using a range of construction tools, and the second banner showcases the process of creating a project’s design as its background image.

Complexity and achievements
This particular set of construction ads focuses more on what the company managed to achieve already – highlighting its strengths and most notable achievements.
As such, the first example is an image of a construction process coupled with a message about the company’s success in terms of annual turnover. The second example, on the other hand, is less about monetary success and more about the possible complexity of the project that the company can take – an inspirational slogan accompanied by a picture of a complex structure with stairways, bridges and many other components.

Civil construction
Civil construction would also have its own flair for advertisement when it comes to construction ads. In the examples below you can see two different takes on a single company’s capabilities in terms of civil construction. The first image with the protective gear as the background highlights the importance of safety measures during the construction process, and the second banner uses an image of several massive buildings with multiple floors and hundreds of potential flats to showcase the company’s capabilities and the overall productivity levels.

Construction tools
Construction advertisements do not necessarily have to be centered around buildings, either. These two examples showcase construction tools – and the approach in both cases is extremely different. You can see that the title in both cases is identical – and yet, the impression these two give out is completely different.
The first construction ad goes for a more visual approach – using a basic wrench as the background image and highlighting it with simple yet captivating visuals. The second ad, on the other hand, does not stop at one single tool – there are pliers, nails, a hammer, a screwdriver and even a paintbrush.

Construction management
While it is true that regular workers are important to any construction process, it is also important to remember about the management personnel – and this couple of construction ads are focused on exactly that.
In this case, the main difference would be in the next part of our banners, since it is rather problematic to showcase construction management without presenting them as just another diligent employee. In these cases, our first banner also includes a motivational quote of sorts, and the second banner relies on a short title as its only way to convey a message.

Architecture inspiration
A slightly unusual theme that is still technically within the construction advertisement market is architecture inspiration. This kind of advertisement is great for companies that have a lot of unusual and exotic constructions in their portfolio – and this is the target of the following construction ads.
As you can see, this ad category has a rather simple structure – an unusual object or construction project as the background image and the title “Architecture inspiration” in an unusual font. This combination works well for both of these examples – and adding a CTA (call-to-action) is completely optional (which is why it only exists in the first ad).

Smaller-scale projects
Our last set of ad examples focuses more on actually selling the products of the construction industry and less on promoting the company in question. For these two examples, you can see a focus on the “SALE” keyword (with “Home for sale” being the title for both ads), as well as the starting price tag. The first ad also includes a rather short list of features for the home in question, combined with an image of said home in the background. The second example is less specific with what it offers, but it still has the same idea of selling a “home” to a client.

There is also a slightly different part of that same branch that is advertising not the specific house or flat, but the ability to build one according to the client’s wishes. This is also a rather sizable part of the market, offering various construction services, including creating a house from the ground up – and that is exactly what this last ad is promoting. You can see the clear focus on customization with the banner’s slogan, and the background image that displays the process of construction only serves to reinforce the original message.

It would be unfair to say that construction ads are not as effective as advertisements in other industries. In reality, a properly designed construction ad can be extremely effective, and this article’s main goal was to present multiple different examples on how your construction company can achieve that.
Victoria is the CEO at Viewst. She is a serial entrepreneur and startup founder. She worked in Investment Banking for 9 years as international funds sales, trader, and portfolio manager. Then she decided to switch to her own startup. In 2017 Victoria founded Profit Button (a new kind of rich media banners), the project has grown to 8 countries on 3 continents in 2 years. In 2019 she founded Viewst startup. The company now has clients from 43 countries, including the USA, Canada, England, France, Brazil, Kenya, Indonesia, etc.